"<p>We all know the feeling of drifting away when you're studying. Realizing you've read a whole page without taking anything in. Here are <strong>5 top tips to keep focused</strong>. <br> <br></p> <h1><strong>5. Remove Distractions</strong></h1> <p>With distractions like social media it's easy to <strong>lose hours of study time</strong>. Luckily there are lots of tools our there to help you keep check on how you're spending your time by <strong>cutting out time wasting websites and apps</strong>. Why not try tools like <a href="https://freedom.to/stayfocusd">Freedom</a> or <a href="https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/strict-workflow/cgmnfnmlficgeijcalkgnnkigkefkbhd">Strict Workflow (for Chrome)</a>. Both tools block certain sites and apps so you can focus when you're studying.</p> <p><img src="/storage/pexels-photo-607812.jpeg" alt="pexels-photo-607812.jpeg" /> <br> <br></p> <h1><strong>4. Have A Tidy Workspace </strong></h1> <p>Linked to the previous tip is having a tidy working environment. Not only will keeping your space tidy help <strong>cut out distractions </strong>it will also help you <strong>stay organized</strong> when studying. Organized and undistracted means focused. </p> <p><img src="/storage/pexels-photo-273238.jpeg" alt="pexels-photo-273238.jpeg" /> <br> <br></p> <h1><strong>3. Keep Well Hydrated</strong></h1> <p>When you're studying your <strong>brain is working hard</strong>. If you were doing physical exercise you'd need to stay at the right hydration level to perform your best. So it's no surprise that preventing dehydration also helps your mental performance. In fact a <a href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-17741653">study of 447 people</a> found that staying hydrated can <strong>improve your exam results by up to 5%</strong>. So if you want to stay focused look after your body and stay hydrated!</p> <p><img src="/storage/pexels-photo-416528.jpeg" alt="pexels-photo-416528.jpeg" /> <br> <br></p> <h1><strong>2. Set Goals</strong></h1> <p>It's a popular saying that <strong>'prior preparation prevents poor performance'</strong>! You'll do your best if you've spend enough time learning what you need to pass your exams. Also there's nothing like a goal or target to focus your mind and keep you working hard when exams are still weeks or months away. </p> <p>We've created a free <strong>study planner</strong> over at <a href="https://topgrade.ac">topgrade.ac</a> to let you create your own study goals to focus your mind. </p> <p><img src="/storage/time-calendar-saturday-weekend-60032.jpeg" alt="time-calendar-saturday-weekend-60032.jpeg" /> <br> <br></p> <h1><strong>1. Make Learning Fun</strong></h1> <p>Our top tip to stay focused is to make <strong>learning fun and engaging</strong>. When you're engaged with what you're learning it's so much easier to take it in. That's why we've also created free <strong>quiz and flashcard makers</strong> to help you learn those facts for your exams. Again check out <a href="https://topgrade.ac">topgrade.ac</a> for more info.</p> <p><img src="/storage/websiteMockup2.svg" alt="websiteMockup2.svg" /></p> <p>Good luck with your exams!</p>"